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I will be sharing with you one by one the days I've spent during my teachings in this short journey of mine.


Take a look under this tab!

time management and organization

As I will be sharing later-on, I had a little problem when it comes to time management, since teaching several topics (with little coverage) in one meeting is very much new to me.


While for the organization of the topics, I spent a lot of time thinking about how to organize the flow of lessons accordingly.

I think I did a good job when it comes to properly setting first things first, and the last things last.

problem solving

There were a lot of good exercise questions from the module that guided me to make good questions for problem-solving.


The students were very active and smart, as they answered my tricky questions.

They do not answer abruptly and think the problem thoroughly.


Great job, kids!

classroom management

This was not really a hard task for me. Since in the grade 7 class, there were only 3 students, in the grade 8 class, there were only 5 students, but for the grade 9 class, there were 23 students.


The problem I faced for the grade 7 and 8 classes was how to make the activities more exciting, so that they won't get bored.


While for the grade 9 class, I am very blessed to have disciplined students who know when to listen and when to talk.


All-in-all, they are all intelligent and kind students, that's why I was able to cope up with them easily!

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