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Reason for the tagline: You'll never know until you do.

Have you ever heard of the phrase, carpe diem which means seize the day?

It's much similar to the tagline of this blog.

You'll never know what could happen, until it simply happens

It was never my dream to do any of these, because I wanted to keep my dreams close to reality.

But now that I've done it, I know it!


You know what? >

"Good things come to those who wait."

SEA Teacher Batch 7 | PNU


Some things don't always go as planned, but look at you now!

All your hard work has already paid off.

Ms. Ruth once told us, many are called, but few are chosen. 

It has never crossed my mind to soar high, because I was so used to walking along the busy streets.

But after the SEA Teacher experience, my dreams instantly grew wings that inspired me to do better than ever!

Kathleen Rose, SEA Teacher Participant, Batch 7

Sea Teacher
Batch 7, 2019

Kathleen Rose S Kadano

Philippine Normal University

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

SMP Pelita Nusantara


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