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DAY 11

FEBRUARY 13, 2019

Today, will be my last normal discussion with my grade 8 class.


Tomorrow, I will meet them again for my final examination.


I am in caught between excited and sad, because I have learned to adjust teaching only five students for this class. I have learned to love them even more because of the jokes we’ve had together, because of the friendly atmosphere we’ve come to build through the past weeks.


Today, we discussed nets of solids after we recall the different quadrilaterals.


I am not yet ready to let go, although the Thais and the other Filipinos left Indonesia yesterday already.


I am not yet ready to say goodbye after being attached to these active and smart students.


Yet, this will always be part of a teacher’s story, the hellos and the good byes.

As teachers, as second parents, we must be ready to face the day that our children will grow up and leave the nest.


I am sure to prepare myself for my last teaching tomorrow, and my the last “good bye, class” that I will utter.

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