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DAY 02

January 28, 2019

Today, I was able to observe the upper secondary mathematics – grade 10 national mathematika.

Ms. Dian, the National Matematika teacher told us that for Grade 7-9, they still have Cambridge Mathematics (together with National Matematika), but when students are already in their upper secondary, they will now study National Matematika only.


I understood the lesson, Ms. Dian discussed about different types of functions.

I also learned new terms such as kali, bagi, tambah, cotoh, etc.


I am already so excited to teach and use these few terms, so that if my students do not quite understand – I will (if I can) translate



I noticed that the approach even for the upper secondary level is student-centered. They were given time to copy the writings on the board and they were given enough time to solve for the given problems.


I was amazed that students are very disciplined. They sit and listen when the teacher is talking, and they wait for the “right” time to speak and play.


The classrooms I’ve entered have really engaged learners. How I wish it was the same in the Philippines

I miss my home country, but I know that when I get back, I already have a pocket full of knowledge and a much loving heart that has patience and understanding for the slow learners, the lazy learners, and the naughty geniuses.




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